A Tool for Automation of Knowledge Management Diagnostics in Software Development Companies
Published in 10th Brazilian Conference on Software, 2019
Knowledge Management (KM) is responsible for using the intellectual resources of an organization. KM principles are both determining and effective factors for the software product quality. Several KM process have been proposed in the literature. However, for a KM initiative to be successful, it is important to consider the current state of KM activities in a company. In this context, the objective of this work is to measure KM activities in software engineering companies by means of a tool that automates the process of KM diagnosis. This paper presents the Software Engineering KNOWledge management diagnosis (SEKNOW) tool, its main functionalities, the potential users profile and examples of use. In addition, we show how the architecture was implemented in order to make the tool extensible to multiple diagnostics and how the companies can employ the tool to fetch data to their systems. Finally, we present similar tools and compare their functionalities.
Recommended citation: SANTOS, V.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L.; SOUZA, E. F. (2019). "A Tool for Automation of Knowledge Management Diagnostics in Software Development Companies." In: Conferência Brasileira de Software , Salvador, Proceedings of 10th Brazilian Conference on Software, 2019.
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