Curriculum Vitae
Graduated in Systems Analysis and Development from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) and Business Administration from the State University of Northern Paraná (UENP) master in Computer Science and Software Engineering (ES) at UTFPR; PhD in the area of ES at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Computing at the University of São Paulo (ICMC/USP), supported by FAPESP and CAPES; post-doctoral student at ICMC/USP in the area of ES. Working in software development in industry, I use this experience to teach technical technology courses and higher education, mainly in relation to emerging technologies associated with industry 4.0. My main area of research is evidence-based SE (EBSE), more specifically, my work is focused on optimizing the process of obtaining evidence from literature by introducing the concept of sustainability in the context of Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR) . Furthermore, I work in partnership with the software engineering laboratory (LABES) and the software architecture research group at ICMC/USP looking for innovative ways to produce more relevant evidence for decision-making in the software industry.
Research Interests
- Evidence-Based Software Engineering
- Systematic Literature Reviews
- Sustainable Systematic Literature Reviews
- Secondary Studies
Research Projects
- 2023 - Present - SPIRA-BM: Biomarkers for respiratory conditions on mobile devices by AI-powered audio analysis
- 2017 - 2023 - Technologies and solutions to enable the cloud of things paradigm
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, 2023
- Dissertation: A Framework for Economic Sustainability in Systematic Literature Reviews
- Advisor: Elisa Yumi Nakagawa
- Scholarship: FAPESP
- Keywords: Systematic Literature Review, Software Engineering, Sustainability
- Major Area: Exact and Earth Sciences
- M.S. in Informatics (Professional), Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil, 2018
- Thesis: Automatic Generation of Graphical Abstracts Using Natural Language Processing
- Advisor: Érica Ferreira de Souza
- Co-Advisor: Katia Romero Felizardo Scannavino
- Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Concept Maps, Graphical Abstracts, Software Engineering, Systematic Literature Review
- Major Area: Exact and Earth Sciences
- B.S. in Analysis and Systems Development, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil, 2015
- Capstone Project: Workup: Physical Activity and Body Fat Index Control App for Mobile Devices
- Advisor: Henrique Yoshikazu Shishido
- B.S. in Business Administration, State University of Northern Paraná (UENP), Brazil, 2011
- Capstone Project: Fast Food Franchises – Market Feasibility in Cornélio Procópio, PR
- Advisor: Luiz Eduardo de Araujo
Work Experience
- June 2023 – Present: Computer Science Professor
- Organization: SENAI, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
- Duties include: Teaching programming languages such as Java and Python, exploring Industry 4.0 technologies (IoT, Home and Industrial Automation, AI, Data Science).
- December 2022 – June 2023: Java Developer
- Organization: DB1 Group, Remote
- Duties included: Back-end maintenance for mobile and web applications, developing new features for financial transactions, and building customer support tools integrating multiple marketplaces.
- July 2020 – December 2022: Ph.D. Researcher
- Organization: FAPESP, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
- Duties included: Researching software sustainability within systematic literature reviews, contributing innovative concepts to secondary studies in software engineering.
- January 2019 – August 2020: Ph.D. Researcher
- Organization: CAPES, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
- Duties included: Investigating software sustainability and its applications in secondary studies.
- July 2015 – February 2019: IT Technician
- Organization: Prefeitura Municipal de Sertaneja, Sertaneja, Paraná, Brazil
- Duties included: Maintaining public service computers and networks, providing user training, and offering technical support.
- December 2014 – July 2015: Java Developer
- Organization: Atos, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
- Duties included: Debugging and maintaining a call center system, collaborating with international teams using Agile methodology, and enhancing Java skills in SOA, JSF, JPA, and JSP.
- February 2008 – December 2014: IT Instructor
- Organization: Prefeitura Municipal de Sertaneja, Sertaneja, Paraná, Brazil
- Duties included: Teaching basic computer concepts (OS, text editors, internet) to youth, adults, and the elderly.
- As a researcher:
- Scientific Writing
- Empirical Experimentation in Software Engineering
- Systematic Reviews
- As a developer:
- Java 8+
- Spring Framework
- Microservice
- Software Architectures (clean, MVC)
- Unit Testing (JUnit, Mockito)
- JPA & ORM (Hibernate)
- Project versioning (Git)
- Relational database and SQL
- Messagery
- Docker
- Maven
- Front-End (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
- Linux
- Agile Methods
- ( [Research Repository with supplementaty materials and replication kits]
- ( [Applications Repository]
- Information Processing and Management (2025)
- Information and Software Technology (IST) (2024)
- Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) (2024)
Conferences and Symposia
- XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes Arquiteturas e Reuso de Software (SBCARS) (2024)
- XLVII IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emergent Results (ICSE-NIER) (2024)
- XXXVI Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) (2024)
- XXV Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia de Software (CIbSE) - Complete Papers Track (2022)
- XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES) - Research Track (2022)
- XLII Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH) - Research Track (2022)
- XXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software (SBCARS) - Complete Papers Track (2022)
- XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde (CBIS) - Demonstrations, Experience Reports, and Literature Reviews Track (2022)
- XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Saúde (SBCAS) - Complete Papers Track (2021)
- XXIV Conferência Ibero-Americana de Engenharia de Software (CIbSE’21) - Experimental Software Engineering Track (2021)
- XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES) - Innovative Ideas and Emerging Results Track (2021)
- XL Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH) - Research Track (2020)
- XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES) - Tools Track (2020)
- Brazilian Symposium on Informatics in Education (2019)
- 2024 - Selected among the 11 best projects of INOVA SENAI at the national level, SENAI Nacional - National Service for Industrial Learning.
- 2022 - Selected as one of the best papers at the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’22) and invited to extend the work for a Special Issue in the journal Computing (Springer, ISSN: 1436-5057).
- 2017 - Outstanding Alumnus of 2016, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR) and Cornélio Procópio Commercial and Business Association.
- 2015 - Top student of the 22nd graduating class of Technology courses, 1st semester of 2015, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR).
- 2015 - Distinguished student of the 2015/01 class in the System Analysis and Development program, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Brazilian Computer Society.
- 2014 - 2nd place in the 1st UTFPR Undergraduate Thesis Competition, Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR).
SANTOS, V.; IWAZAKI, A. Y.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; SOUZA, E. F.; NAKAGAWA, E. Y. (2024). "Sustainable Systematic Literature Reviews." Information and Software Technology, v.176, p.107551.
MARINHO, L. V.; SANTOS, V. (2024). "Inteligência Artificial Aplicada ao Marketing Digital: Um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura." In: XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica UNICEP, São Carlos, Anais do XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica UNICEP, 2024.
SOARES, RODRIGO C.; CAPILLA, RAFAEL; DOS SANTOS, VINICIUS; NAKAGAWA, ELISA YUMI. (2023). "Trends in Continuous Evaluation of Software Architectures." Computing, v.SI, p.1436-5057. Citações: 2.
IWAZAKI, ANDERSON Y.; DOS SANTOS, VINICIUS; FELIZARDO, KATIA R.; DE SOUZA, ERICA F.; VALENTIM, NATASHA M. C.; NAKAGAWA, ELISA Y. (2022). "Benefits and Challenges of a Graduate Course: An Experience Teaching Systematic Literature Review." In: 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Uppsala, p. 1.
SOARES, R. C.; SANTOS, V.; NAKAGAWA, E. Y. (2022). "Continuous Evaluation of Software Architectures: An Overview of the State of the Art." In: ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, Virtual Conference, 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing.
SANTOS, V.; IWAZAKI, A. Y.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; SOUZA, E. F.; NAKAGAWA, E. Y. (2021). "Towards Sustainability of Systematic Literature Reviews." In: 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Bari, Italy, Proceedings of 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2021.
SANTOS, V.; SILVA, P. R.; SOUZA, E. F.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; WATANABE, W. M.; CANDIDO JUNIOR, A.; MEINERZ, G. V.; ALUISIO, S. M.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. (2021). "Using Open Information Extraction to Extract Relations: An Extended Systematic Mapping." In: Latin American Informatics Conference (CLEI), Costa Rica, Proceedings of Latin American Informatics Conference (CLEI), 2021.
SANTOS, V.; SOUZA, E. F.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; WATANABE, W. M.; CANDIDO JUNIOR, A.; ALUISIO, S. M.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. (2021). "Using Natural Language Processing to Build Graphical Abstracts to Be Used in Studies Selection Activity in Secondary Studies." In: Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Palermo, Proceedings of Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2021.
SANTOS, V.; IWAZAKI, A. Y.; SOUZA, E. F.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. (2021). "CrowdSLR: A Tool to Support the Use of Crowdsourcing in Systematic Literature Reviews." In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, Joinville, Brasil, Anais do 35° Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2021.
SILVA, P. R.; SANTOS, V.; SOUZA, E. F.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. (2020). "Extraction of Useful Information from Unstructured Data in Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping." In: Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering , Curitiba, Proceedings of Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering , 2020.
SANTOS, V.; SOUZA, E. F.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; WATANABE, W. M.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. (2019). "Conceptual Map Creation from Natural Language Processing: A Systematic Mapping Study." Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, v.27, p.150-176.
SANTOS, V.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L.; SOUZA, E. F. (2019). "A Tool for Automation of Knowledge Management Diagnostics in Software Development Companies." In: Conferência Brasileira de Software , Salvador, Proceedings of 10th Brazilian Conference on Software, 2019.
SANTOS, V. (2018). "Concept Maps Construction Using Natural Language Processing to Support Studies Selection." In: Symposium On Applied Computing, Pau, França, Proceedings of the 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, Pau, France, 2018.
PEREIRA JUNIOR, FRANCISCO; YOSHIKAZU SHISHIDO, HENRIQUE; ELER, GABRIELLE JACKLIN; DOS SANTOS, VINICIUS. (2017). "WorkUp: A Mobile Application to Support Health Guidelines." In: 10th International Conference on Health Informatics, Porto, Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, 2017, p. 297.
SANTOS, V.; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L.; SOUZA, E. F.; FELIZARDO, K. R.; WATANABE, W. M. (2017). "Analysing the Use of Concept Maps in Computer Science: A Systematic Mapping Study." Informatics in Education, v.16, p.257-288. Citações: 11|27.